Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Great designs and new black T-shirts!

If you haven't visited "The Parent Side" (tm) on-line store yet, or recently, you'll be pleasantly surprised when you do. A large variety of products with many different designs await you to help promote a positive image of people with disabilities. The newest product is the black T-shirt. Black T-shirts have been the most asked for product and they are finally here, just in time for Christmas!

There are designs promoting celebrating diversity, which include people with disabilities. There are cartoons that highlight scenarios that many people and families of people with disabilities face. Some designs speak out against inclusion, and others make a simply comparison between inclusion and exclusion. There is a section that uses humor in the designs about attending IEP meetings. Several designs highlight LRE, Least Restictive environment, as required under federal the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. LRE means all placement decisions for students with disabilities must begin with looking at the regular education class, not as it is, but as it could be with supports, services adaptations and modifications for the student.

Fighting to get your child with a disability included in school? There are a variety of tote bags to get the message across as to what you want, with a list of laws and federal court outcomes that support your child's right to inclusion in the classroom. Carry your papers to meeting in one of these! And if you had a great advocate help you, or you are a great advocate or you know a person who is a great self-advocate, there's designs that make great gifts or help you toot your horn!

The Parent Side also carries three designs of Christmas Holiday Cards that promote inclusion. Why not promote something positive with your holiday greetings?

T-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, clocks, bibs, mousepads, buttons (great for handouts), sweatshirts, apparel, magnets, posters and more all make great gifts for the holidays! Check it out and give something unique to an individual with a disability, their family members or any advocate or professional that supports inclusive practice! If you promote best practice for people with disabilities you're going to love the bumper stickers with attitude!

(The Parent Side does not produce disability specific designs because the goal of the designs is for people to see people with disabilities as people first, not a label. I realize that at times labels such as Autism, Down syndrome, developmental delay, Cerebral Palsy, and others are useful in acquiring eligibility of services, however in every day life if people are referred to only by a label they tend to be stereotyped and loose their individualism. Every person, even those with the same labels, is a unique individual, and the disability is one piece of who they are, it does not define the person)